Annette Burnett



Hey ya’ll!! Thank you for taking the time to stop by and check us out!! We are just ordinary, everyday people who have a love for the great outdoors, and cycling. My three children and I are all avid bike riders. We have really enjoyed seeing all the gorgeous landscapes that are not accessible by car…only biking or hiking. Hidden waterfalls, breath taking valley views from mountain tops, gorgeous autumn foliage draping a canopy over you as you ride down what I like to call…….”country roads”.  These are only experiences you can have if you get out and take a break from all of the hustle and bustle of everyday life. We all need more of that.

Biking has so many healthy aspects to it also. When I first started riding back in 2011, I weighed over 260 pounds. With changing my diet, and lots of biking and walking, I was able to lose 96 pounds. I have added years to my life, and will get to make many more memories with my children, Lord willing. We lost my husband back in 2010, due to health issues, so I decided I need to be as healthy as I can be for my children.

Since we have taken up biking, we have biked trails in Virginia, Maryland, Pennsylvania, West Virginia and Michigan. We have been able to make so many memories together that can never be taken from us. I must say here that my children are, at the time, 16, 11 and 7. This past summer, 2013, my daughter, 7 at the time, rode 50 miles of a 80 mile bike trip. She did this over a period of 3 days. We always set a pace that the kids can keep up and enjoy their selves, and still get the exercise children desperately need!! They really enjoy the time outdoors and I love they are getting experiences most children can’t or don’t get.

I know biking isn’t for everyone, but we have found that it works for us… is relaxing and a awesome way to get pent up energy and stress OUT!! Makes for a happier, healthier YOU!

Thanks again for stopping by……enjoy your day……Live, Laugh, Love……and bike on!!